Papua New Guinea: Asmat population, Villeminot, 1960



en Papua New Guinea: Asmat population, Villeminot, 1960



en Field sound recordings collected by Jacques Villeminot (ethnologist and French filmmaker) in 1960 in Papua - New Guinea during an expedition in the Highlands of New Guinea with the Asmat Papuans: songs, vocal and instrumental pieces and spoken voice.


Papua New Guinea Map, 1949

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Title Alternate label Class
Chorus singing accompanied by drums. Collection source citation CreativeWork
Solo flute followed by flute duet. Collection source citation CreativeWork
Sing-sing, Telefolmin - 2. Collection source citation CreativeWork
Sing-sing, Telefolmin - 1. Collection source citation CreativeWork
Sing-sing. Collection source citation CreativeWork
Popular scene - 1. Collection source citation CreativeWork
Popular scene - 2. Collection source citation CreativeWork
Popular scene - 3. Collection source citation CreativeWork
Musical bow solo. Collection source citation CreativeWork
[Flutes.] Collection source citation CreativeWork
[Man singing.] Collection source citation CreativeWork
Two flutes. Collection source citation CreativeWork
Girls singing - 1. Collection source citation CreativeWork
Girls singing - 2. Collection source citation CreativeWork
Musical bow - 1. Collection source citation CreativeWork
Musical bow - 2. Collection source citation CreativeWork
Two flute players - 1. Collection source citation CreativeWork
Two flute players - 2. Collection source citation CreativeWork
Two flute players - 3. Collection source citation CreativeWork
Drums. Collection source citation CreativeWork
Popular stage, Telefolmin. Drums, rhythmic shouts, singing and drums, pig cries, incantations, spoken words. Collection source citation CreativeWork
[Songs and speeches.] Collection source citation CreativeWork
[Men and women singing.] Collection source citation CreativeWork
[Spoken words, women singing.] Collection source citation CreativeWork
Solo woman song. Collection source citation CreativeWork