Anne de Hauteclocque - Howe



Anne de Hauteclocque - Howe

Family Name

de Hauteclocque

Given Name



en French

Job Title

en French ethnologist, a specialist of the Rhadé (or Ede) people, in the highlands of Vietnam. She is the author of "Les Rhadés une société de droit maternel " (1985).
fr Ethnologue française, spécialiste du peuple Rhadé (ou Ede), sur les hauts plateaux du Vietnam. Elle est l'auteur de Les Rhadés une société de droit maternel (1985).
id Etnolog Prancis, seorang spesialis orang Rhadé (atau Ede), di dataran tinggi Vietnam. Dia adalah penulis Les Rhadés une société de droit maternel (1985).

Is Referenced By

Les Rhadé

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Free reed aerophone solo (ding tak ta) Collector CreativeWork
Polyphony of flutes (ding tut) Collector CreativeWork
Mouth organ polyphony (ding nam) Collector CreativeWork
Polyphony of flutes (ding tut) Collector CreativeWork
Set of gongs (cing) Collector CreativeWork
Set of gongs (cing) Collector CreativeWork
Scansion of the epic legend of Kdam Wit-1- Collector CreativeWork
Scansion of the epic legend of Kdam Wit-2- Collector CreativeWork
Song of seduction "Klei Mmuin" Collector CreativeWork
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Song for banter "Klei Blur" Collector CreativeWork
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Sung poetry "Klei Blur" Collector CreativeWork
Tubular zither solo (bro) Collector CreativeWork
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Bamboo flute solo (buôt) Collector CreativeWork