"Chants (kariag) accompagnés de battements des mains", du village de Jayo.


Edited Title

en kariag jayo

Archivist's Original Title

fr "Chants (kariag) accompagnés de battements des mains", du village de Jayo.
en “Songs (kariag) accompanied by hand clapping”, from the village of Jayo.

Original description

en Field recordings collected in Lan Yu Island (Taïwan), Yami population, by V. Arnaud in 1974.

SEA Annotations

fr A l'occasion d'une joute de "chants accompagnés de battements des mains" (kariag) enregistrée dans les différents villages. Ici à Jayo en août- septembre 1974.
Nous étions au mois de septembre, lors de cette lunaison appelée (paropotoen) signifiant "le temps de brusque retour (des morts)". Selon le calendrier yami (tao), ces chants (kariag) ne sont exécutés qu'à cette période, à un moment où les villageois préfèrent se retrouver ensemble la nuit dans "les ateliers" (makarang) pour chanter fort et taper à grand bruit dans leurs mains ou sur leur cuisses, dans le but de se retrouver ensemble pour montrer leur force et leur entrain - et aussi pour faire fuir les "morts" (anito) dont le retour est annoncé. A la "cinquième lunaison" (kaliman) ou "(lunaison) de la poterie" (peytanatana), il est désormais interdit de chanter (le kariag) : on ne le chante plus avant l'année d'après.
en On the occasion of a battle “songs accompanied by hand clapping” (kariag) recorded in the different villages. Here in Jayo in August-September 1974. We were in the month of September, during this lunation called (paropotoen) meaning "the time of sudden return (of the dead)". According to the Yami calendar (tao), these songs (kariag) are only performed during this period, at a time when the villagers prefer to meet together at night in "the workshops" (makarang) to sing loudly and tap loudly. in their hands or on their thighs, with the aim of coming together to show their strength and enthusiasm - and also to scare away the "dead" (anito) whose return is announced. At the "fifth lunation" (kaliman) or "pottery lunation" (peytanatana), it is now forbidden to sing (the kariag): it is no longer sung until the following year.

Time duration

en 01:04:14


Recording date of the original material

en 1974

Acquisition Date

en 2012


en Yami

Place of the cultural origin

Country Name

Recording place

en Jayo village; Lan Yu Island

Resource Language

en Yami (Tao)


en InCopyright and/or related rights. URI: https://rightsstatements.org/page/InC/1.0/
For more information on the rights, please see the corpus record : https://archives.crem-cnrs.fr/archives/corpus/CNRSMH_Arnaud_001/

Archivist Category

en Music (Vocal)

Recording context

en Field recording

Instrument, Original Archivist Data

en Voix chantée


Name of original Collection

en Taiwan (Lan Yu), population Yami (actuels Tao), V. Arnaud expedition, 1974.

Collection source citation

Related material

History of ownership

en Recordings digitized by R. Saint Estève, archived at CREM (CNRS) between 2012 and 2020, indexation and annotation by V. Arnaud.

Holding Institution of Original Materials

Licensing Institution

Accessing Institutions

Copyright Information


Physical format

en Magnetic tape

Preservation State of Physical Object

en UHER magnétophone

Original item number

en CNRSMH_I_2013_001_001_002

SEAH Identifier

en SEAH_CNRSMH_I_2013_001_001_002