lagu suling (flute song)
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lagu suling (flute song)
lagu suling (flute song)
Field recording made in 1932 by Jaap Kunst in Kai Kecil, Indonesia
Veu Evav
Music (Instrumental)
Field recording
Kunst Indonesia - Kai Kecil
Kunst Indonesia: numbers 295a to 297b represent music from expeditions of Kunst and his wife Kathy Kunst-Van Wely to Kai Kecil in 1932. Wax-role copies in depot Tropenmuseum – not accessible. DAT copies at Beeld en Geluid – digitized (this information based on inventory October 2018).
Use of the recorded material of the Jaap Kunst Collection is restricted by 1.) the third amendment to the Indonesian Constitution that recognizes the rights of Indigenous Peoples in Article 18b-2, 2.) the recognition of rights of the peoples known as Masyarakat adat or Masyarakat hukum adat in recent Indonesian legislation, and 3.) Indonesian National Cultural Heritage Laws as phrased in the UNESCO World Heritage Convention.
Consequences of any violation of these laws are for the responsibility of the user, not of the Jaap Kunst Foundation.
Wax cylinder
VII_W_3107_Kunst_Indonesien_296_Alte_Kopie (296b)
Wav 44,1kHz, 16 bit