Pudo anak, lullaby

Archivist's Original Title
en Pudo anak, lullaby
fr Pudo anak, berceuse
id Pudo anak, Ninabobo
Original description
en Field recordings made in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, in 1997 by D. Rappoport :Dayak, Iban, Kayan populations. pentatonic scale profile
fr Enregistrements sonores inédits réalisés en Indonésie (West Kalimantan) en 1997 par Dana Rappoport, auprès des populations Dayak Taman, Iban, Kayan Mendalam. profil pentatonique de l'échelle
id Rekaman dibuat di Indonesia (Kalimantan Barat) pada tahun 1997 oleh Dana Rappoport, dalam masyarakat Mendalam Dayak Taman, Iban, Kayan. profil skala pentatonik
Time duration
en 00:02:04
Recording date of the original material
en 1997-08-20
Acquisition Date
en 2011
en Kayan Mendalam
Place of the cultural origin
Country Name
Recording place
en Kampung Rumah suling, Tanjung Durian, Mendalam, kecamatan Putussibau, kabupaten Kapuas ulu, West Kalimantan
Resource Language
en Kayan
en In the house of the teacher Pa' Uli, from 8 p.m.
Performer: Ibu Leno, middle-aged
Archivist Category
en Music (Vocal and instrumental)
Recording context
English Field recording
Name of original Collection
en Indonesia: West Kalimantan, 1997, D. Rappoport
History of ownership
en Archived at CREM, CNRS in 2011 by D. Rappoport
Holding Institution of Original Materials
Copyright Notice
For any use, please contact the CREM-LESC (CNRS, Nanterre University, France): see information at https://archives.crem-cnrs.fr
Physical format
English Digital Audio Tape
Preservation State of Physical Object
en original
Original item number
en CNRSMH_I_2011_016_006_06
SEAH Identifier
en SEAH_CNRSMH_I_2011_016_006_06