Dondi', vigil chorus (Rantepao region)-4

Edited Title
en dondi'
Archivist's Original Title
en Dondi', vigil chorus (Rantepao region)-4
fr Dondi', Chœur funéraire mixte (région Pangngala')
id Dondi', kor pemakaman campuran (wilayah Pangngala')
Original description
en Field recordings made in Sulawesi, Indonesia, in 1991, 1995 et 2015 by D. Rappoport and S. Serafini: various populations. 20 Singers, with women. The leaders are women. Numerous, slow, buzzing, monophonic, throbbing. Outside sounds of cooking, glasses of coffee. Take from 38'40 to 58'03
fr Enregistrements sonores inédits réalisés par Dana Rappoport et Serge Serafini (1991) en Indonésie (Sulawesi). Ces enregistrements ont été effectués dans le sud, le centre et l'est de l'île essentiellement en 1991 (quelques compléments de 1995 et 2015), auprès des populations Balinais, Bugis, Indonésien, Makassar, Pamona, Tolaki, Toraja Sa'dan. 20 Chanteurs, avec femmes. Les meneuses sont des femmes. Nombreux, lent, bourdonnant, monophonique, lancinant. Bruits extérieurs de cuisine, de verres de café. Prendre de 38'40 à 58'03
id Rekaman dibuat oleh Dana Rappoport dan Serge Serafini (1991) di Indonesia (Sulawesi). Rekaman ini dibuat di bagian selatan, tengah dan timur pulau ini terutama pada tahun 1991 (beberapa tambahan dari tahun 1995 dan 2015), di kalangan masyarakat Bali, Bugis, Indonesia, Makassar, Pamona, Tolaki, Toraja Sa'dan. 20 Penyanyi, dengan wanita. Pemimpinnya adalah perempuan. Banyak, lambat, berdengung, monofonik, berdenyut. Di luar terdengar suara masakan, gelas-gelas kopi. Ambil dari 38'40 hingga 58'03
Time duration
en 00:19:11
Recording date of the original material
en 1991-10-02
Acquisition Date
en 2011
en Toraja
Place of the cultural origin
Country Name
Recording place
en Ne'Bako village (kec. Rindingallo, kab Tana Toraja)
Resource Language
en Toraja
en Funeral of a 34 year old man whose wife is 19 years old. The night of funeral music lasts from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. The singers are seated near the dead. It's 10 p.m.
Archivist Category
en Music (Vocal)
Recording context
English Field recording
Name of original Collection
en Indonesia, Sulawesi (South, Central, Eastern), 1991. D. Rappoport, S. Serafini
Collection source citation
History of ownership
en Archived at CREM, CNRS in 2011 by D. Rappoport
Holding Institution of Original Materials
Copyright Notice
For any use, please contact the CREM-LESC (CNRS, Nanterre University, France): see information at
Physical format
English Digital Audio Tape
Preservation State of Physical Object
en original
Original item number
en CNRSMH_I_2011_015_014_04
SEAH Identifier
en SEAH_CNRSMH_I_2011_015_014_04