Singing : to léu, selele, sau (?), vaihoho (various groups & duos), with interludes played on conch-shell trumpet and flute ; Recited vaihoho in praise of Henri Campagnolo / Heightened speech, not in Fataluku.

Archivist's Original Title
en Singing : to léu, selele, sau (?), vaihoho (various groups & duos), with interludes played on conch-shell trumpet and flute ; Recited vaihoho in praise of Henri Campagnolo / Heightened speech, not in Fataluku.
Original description
en Sound recordings made in then-Portuguese East Timor from October 1969 to December 1970, primarily among Fataluku on the south coast (Vailana and environs), by ethnologists Henri Campagnolo and Maria-Olímpia Lameiras-Campagnolo. Ethnographic survey focused on vocal music and speech
Time duration
en 00:26:59
Acquisition Date
en 1976
Time period
en 1969-1970
en Fataluku
Place of the cultural origin
Country Name
Recording place
en Timor-Leste, municipio Lautem, suco Lore 1, aldeia Vailana and environs
Resource Language
en Fataluku
en 1. Singing : to léu (male & female groups alternating) ; 2. (02:45) Singing : selele (women's group) ; 3. (04:30) Singing : sau (?) (male duo) ; 4. (06:56) Recited vaihoho in praise of Henri ; 5. (07:22) Heightened speech, not in Fataluku. Possibly Makalero? / 6. (11:04) Singing : vaihoho (various duos), with interludes played on conch-shell trumpet and a vertical flute (oï-oïl) ; 7. (21:48) Singing : selele (women's group) ; 8. (22:34) Singing : vaihoho (male & female duos). Fataluku & unidentified language.
Archivist Category
en Music (Vocal)
Recording context
en Field recording
Name of original Collection
en Timor Oriental, populations Fataluku et autres, H. Campagnolo et M.-O. Lameiras-Campagnolo, 1969-1970.
History of ownership
en Recording archived at Musée de l'Homme, Paris, in 1993
Holding Institution of Original Materials
Copyright Notice
For any use, please contact the CREM-LESC (CNRS, Nanterre University, France): see information at
Physical format
en Magnetic tape 9,5 cm/s
Preservation State of Physical Object
en Original tape
Original item number
en SEAH_CNRSMH_I_1976_015_018_01
SEAH Identifier
en CNRSMH_I_1976_015_006_01

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