(KEKA) Nama ligi, duet pria bergantian, atap rumah
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Song for the renovation of the korké temple
(KEKA) Nama ligi, duet pria bergantian, atap rumah
(KEKA) Nama ligi, male duo in alternation, for house ritual
(KEKA) Nama ligi, duo masculin pour la rénovation du toit du temple korke
Field recording collected by Dana Rappoport at Tanjung Bunga, Eastern Flores, from 2009 to 2012.
Flores, Keka, Tanjung Bunga, Kabupaten Flores Timur
Bernadus Belu Koten (nuku), Lukas Dao Hokon (bawa); Yakobus Sogan Brinu (bawa), Franz Pito Koten (nuku); Yosef Boli Brinu (nuku), Ignasius Mao Hokon (bawa)
Formerly sung during the renovation of the ceremonial house or "temple" (korké) by twelve pairs of singers, i.e. twenty-four people. Standing between the nubanara stones and the ceremonial house, the singers face the house. The song is composed of two tercets, each verse of which is sung on the same melodic phrase. There is a version in the edited cd Songs of the islands of Flores and Solor, AIMP, 2010.
Sound file: 05KEKA_NAMALIGI.wav
Music (Vocal)
Field recording
Singing voice: alternating duet male duet
Indonesia : Eastern Flores (Tanjung Bunga peninsula), 2009-2012.
Sound recording archived at Musée de l'Homme in 2011 by D. Rappoport
For any use, please contact the CREM-LESC (CNRS, Nanterre University, France): see information at https://archives.crem-cnrs.fr
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