(Flores, Larantuka) Dolo-Dolo, Lingkaran, 6

Edited Title
Archivist's Original Title
id (Flores, Larantuka) Dolo-Dolo, Lingkaran, 6
en (Flores, Larantuka) Dolo-Dolo, 6, Round Dance
fr (Flores, Larantuka) Ronde Dolo-dolo, 6
Original description
Field recording collected by Dana Rappoport in Eastern Indonesia in 2006 and 2007.
Time duration
Recording date of the original material
Acquisition Date
Place of the cultural origin
Country Name
Recording place
Flores, Larantuka, Lebao, Kabupaten Flores Timur
Resource Language
Nagi-Malay Larantuka
fr Enregistré à la fête annuelle de la Saint-Jean à Larantuka, dans les quartiers de Lebao et Tabali, entre minuit et dix heures du matin. Ronde mixte tournant dans le sens inverse des aiguilles d'une montre. Les instrumentistes sont au centre. Alternance de solo et choeur.
en Recorded at the annual St John festival in Larantuka, Lebao and Tabali neighborhoods (between midnight and 10am). Mixed round dance turning counterclockwise. The musicians are in the middle. Solo and chorus alternating.
Archivist Category
en Music (Vocal and instrumental)
Recording context
en Field recording
Instrument, Original Archivist Data
fr Voix chantées d'hommes et femmes. Deux idiophones par frappement et trois tambours sur caisse à une membrane.
en Men and women singing, two struck idiophones and three drums on box with one membrane.
Name of original Collection
Indonesia : East Flores, Solor, Adonara, Lembata Islands, 2006-2007.
History of ownership
Sound recording archived at Musée de l'Homme in 2007 by D. Rappoport
Holding Institution of Original Materials
Copyright Notice
For any use, please contact the CREM-LESC (CNRS, Nanterre University, France): see information at https://archives.crem-cnrs.fr
Physical format
en Digital file
Preservation State of Physical Object
Original item number
SEAH Identifier

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