(Funérailles Region Rindingallo) Choeurs Dondi' Et Rondes Badong A Baruppu' (Suite)

Enregistrements sonores inédits collectés par Dana Rappoport en Indonésie entre 1993 et 2005.
Edited Title
fr (Funérailles Region Rindingallo) Choeurs Dondi' Et Rondes Badong A Baruppu' (Suite)
en (Rindingallo Region, Funerals) Dondi' Chorus and Badong Round-Dances at Baruppu' (Continued)
id (Adat Kematian Daerah Rindingallo) Kor-Kor Dondi' Dan Tarian Badong
Archivist's Original Title
fr (Funérailles Region Rindingallo) Choeurs Dondi' Et Rondes Badong A Baruppu' (Suite)
en (Rindingallo Region, Funerals) Dondi' Chorus and Badong Round-Dances at Baruppu' (Continued)
id (Adat Kematian Daerah Rindingallo) Kor-Kor Dondi' Dan Tarian Badong
Original description
fr Enregistrements sonores inédits collectés par Dana Rappoport en Indonésie entre 1993 et 2005.
en Field sound recordings collected in Indonesia between 1993 and 2005 by Dana Rappoport.
Time duration
Recording date of the original material
Acquisition Date
Place of the cultural origin
Country Name
Recording place
Resource Language
fr Un soir, les funérailles n'ont pas encore commencé, la ronde a lieu devant la maison, la ronde est mixte, les femmes chantent à la quarte. Rondes badong et choeur mixte dondi'. Plusieurs rondes badong dont le badong des suicidés: badong to mentuyo. Le choeur mixte dondi' est dirigé par le chanteur Boti'.
en One evening, the funeral had not yet begun, the rounds were going on in front of the house, the rounds were mixed, the women were singing at a quart above. Badong dance and dondi choruses. Several badong round dance including suicide badong: badong to mentuyo Mixed dondi chorus' led by singer Boti'.
Tags, Keywords
Archivist Category
en Music (Funeral)
Recording context
en Field recording
Name of original Collection
Indonesia : South Sulawesi, Toraja, 1993-2005
Collection source citation
History of ownership
Archived at Musée de l'Homme in 2005 by D. Rappoport
Holding Institution of Original Materials
Copyright Information
Physical format
en Digital Audio Tape
Original item number
SEAH Identifier