Ngo Dinh Nhu

Ngô Đình Nhu; 7 October 1910 – 2 November 1963; baptismal name Jacob) was a Vietnamese archivist and politician.[1] He was the younger brother and chief political advisor of South Vietnam's first president, Ngô Đình Diệm. Although he held no formal executive position, he wielded immense unofficial power, exercising personal command of both the ARVN Special Forces (a paramilitary unit which served as the Ngô family's de facto private army) and the Cần Lao political apparatus (also known as the Personalist Labor Party) which served as the regime's de facto secret police.
Ngo Dinh Nhu
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Death Date
Ngô Đình Nhu; 7 October 1910 – 2 November 1963; baptismal name Jacob) was a Vietnamese archivist and politician.[1] He was the younger brother and chief political advisor of South Vietnam's first president, Ngô Đình Diệm. Although he held no formal executive position, he wielded immense unofficial power, exercising personal command of both the ARVN Special Forces (a paramilitary unit which served as the Ngô family's de facto private army) and the Cần Lao political apparatus (also known as the Personalist Labor Party) which served as the regime's de facto secret police.

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