C. Lawson-Reece to John Morris - Telegram From Eastern Services Organizer On The Circulation Of Broadcast Scripts.
C. Lawson-Reece confirms that prior ruling on the circulation of scrips have been relaxed for Mr. Bakers request. He suggested that Mr. Winsteadt choose which scipts to give, and to limit them to three per week.
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C. Lawson-Reece to John Morris - Telegram From Eastern Services Organizer On The Circulation Of Broadcast Scripts.
C. Lawson-Reece confirms that prior ruling on the circulation of scrips have been relaxed for Mr. Bakers request. He suggested that Mr. Winsteadt choose which scipts to give, and to limit them to three per week.
October 11, 1943
E1 1066
C. Lawson-Reece,John Morris