Brian Denney of BBC Far Eastern Services to Terrence Cooper of London Calling Asia - on Proposed Speaker
Brian Denney recounts an exchange he had with Bert Read, Radio director of Radio Malaya to Terrence Cooper of BBC London. Bert Read suggests that one of the new Malay Justices could serve as a potential speaker for their broadcast. No name is given as of yet.
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Brian Denney of BBC Far Eastern Services to Terrence Cooper of London Calling Asia - on Proposed Speaker
Brian Denney of BBC Far Eastern Services to Terrence Cooper of London Calling Asia - on Proposed Speaker
Brian Denney recounts an exchange he had with Bert Read, Radio director of Radio Malaya to Terrence Cooper of BBC London. Bert Read suggests that one of the new Malay Justices could serve as a potential speaker for their broadcast. No name is given as of yet.
Brian Denney proposes a potential speaker for the London Calling Asia two way exchange broadcast with Radio Malaya.
Terrence Cooper to BBC Far Eastern Service - on a proposed two way exchange broadcast (Item Designation BBC_300)
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Brian Denney of BBC Far Eastern Services to Terrence Cooper of London Calling Asia - on Proposed Speaker