Sunday Wilshin of BBC London to Brian Denney of BBC Far Eastern Services
Sunday Wilshin, English Program Organizer for East and Far East Services, responds to Brian Denney on Terrence Cooper's behalf. She lets him know that Terrence Cooper is on leave but encourages him to continue with the proposal outlined in document designated BBC_303
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Sunday Wilshin of BBC London to Brian Denney of BBC Far Eastern Services
Sunday Wilshin of BBC London to Brian Denney of BBC Far Eastern Services
Sunday Wilshin, English Program Organizer for East and Far East Services, responds to Brian Denney on Terrence Cooper's behalf. She lets him know that Terrence Cooper is on leave but encourages him to continue with the proposal outlined in document designated BBC_303
Sunday Wilshin responds to a telegraph sent by Brian Denney on Terrence Cooper's behalf.
BBC_300, BBC_303
E29 17 1
Sunday Wilshin of BBC London to Brian Denney of BBC Far Eastern Services