Peter Albany of BBC Far Eastern Services to Terence Cooper of BBC London - on replacement speaker and date of tape delivery
Peter Albany writes to Terence Cooper that a replacement speaker has been secured, LCA Mohammed Suffia Bin Hashim. He also notes the topics he will be covering, and that the tape will arrive at the BBC London offices on the 11th of September 1958
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Peter Albany of BBC Far Eastern Services to Terence Cooper of BBC London - on replacement speaker and date of tape delivery
Peter Albany of BBC Far Eastern Services to Terence Cooper of BBC London - on replacement speaker and date of tape delivery
Peter Albany writes to Terence Cooper that a replacement speaker has been secured, LCA Mohammed Suffia Bin Hashim. He also notes the topics he will be covering, and that the tape will arrive at the BBC London offices on the 11th of September 1958
Replacement speaker and date of tape delivery
Terrence Cooper to BBC Far Eastern Service - on a proposed two way exchange broadcast (Item Designation BBC_301)
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Peter Albany of BBC Far Eastern Services to Terence Cooper of BBC London - on replacement speaker and date of tape delivery