Air tay: “Recognition to the victims of the front”

 Recording of music and interviews collected in North Viet Nam in 1973 from different populations by the French ethnologist Georges Condominas during a research expedition.
Edited Title
Archivist's Original Title
en  Air tay: “Recognition to the victims of the front”
fr Air tay : "Reconnaissance aux victimes du front"
Original description
en  Recording of music and interviews collected in North Viet Nam in 1973 from different populations by the French ethnologist Georges Condominas during a research expedition.
fr Enregistrements sonores inédits de musiques et d'entretiens collectés au nord Viet Nam en 1973 auprès de différentes populations par l'ethnologue français Georges Condominas lors d'une mission de recherche.
Time duration
en 00:02:23
Recording date of the original material
en 1973-04-15
Acquisition Date
en 1973
en Black Taï (Tai Dam)
Place of the cultural origin
Country Name
Recording place
en North West Viet Nam, Lai Châu Province
Resource Language
en Tai
en sung, solo Femalesupported by a voice of Female- "Chu on liêt" by Quang Panh, sung by Miss Hoang thi Ngoai, with vocal accompaniment by Miss Lô thi Diêm. Gratitude to those who fell on the front•
Tags, Keywords
en  War
Archivist Category
en Music (Vocal)
Recording context
en Field recording
Instrument, Original Archivist Data
en  Singing voice: female solo and female duet
Name of original Collection
en Viet Nam du Nord, Laha, Khmu, Tay noirs et Viets, Condominas, 1973.
Collection source citation
Holding Institution of Original Materials
Copyright Information
Physical format
en Magnetic tape 19 cm/s
Preservation State of Physical Object
en Original tape, mono
Original item number
en CNRSMH_I_1973_004_002_09
SEAH Identifier
en SEAH_CNRSMH_I_1973_004_002_09
en Recording archived at Musée de l'Homme, Paris, by G. Condominas in 1973 and preserved at BnF.