Sarune oboe solo,1

sarune oboe musicUnpublished sound recordings of music from Viet Nam (rituals of the Cham and Jörai populations), Malaysia and Indonesia, made in 1969-1970 by the French researcher and missionary Jacques Dournes.Oboe from Sumatra and Malaysia, instrument with a pirouette, reminiscent of the Arab zurna, there are very varied forms and, for each of them, circular breathing is used. It is played for popular dances, magic ceremonies, in Malaysian shadow theaters. In some areas it may be richly decorated, painted or carved. The reed, often very small, can be made from various materials (palm, rice straw, bamboo, coconut or palm leaf, rush).
Archivist's Original Title
en Sarune oboe solo,1
fr Solo de hautbois sarune, 1
Original description
en sarune oboe musicUnpublished sound recordings of music from Viet Nam (rituals of the Cham and Jörai populations), Malaysia and Indonesia, made in 1969-1970 by the French researcher and missionary Jacques Dournes.Oboe from Sumatra and Malaysia, instrument with a pirouette, reminiscent of the Arab zurna, there are very varied forms and, for each of them, circular breathing is used. It is played for popular dances, magic ceremonies, in Malaysian shadow theaters. In some areas it may be richly decorated, painted or carved. The reed, often very small, can be made from various materials (palm, rice straw, bamboo, coconut or palm leaf, rush).
fr musique de hautbois saruneEnregistrements sonores inédits de musiques du Viet Nam (rituels des populations chams et jöraï), de Malaisie et d'Indonésie, effectués en 1969-1970 par le chercheur et missionnaire français Jacques Dournes.Hautbois de Sumatra et de Malaisie, instrument avec une pirouette, rappelant la zurna arabe, il en existe de formes très variées et, pour chacun d'entre eux, est utilisée la respiration circulaire. Il se joue pour les danses populaires, les
cérémonies de magie, dans les théâtres d’ombres malais. Dans certaines régions, il peut être richement décoré, peint ou sculpté. L’anche, souvent de très petite taille, peut-être fabriquée dans divers matériaux (palme, paille de riz, bambou, feuille de coco ou palmier, jonc).
Time duration
en 00:01:21
Recording date of the original material
en 1970
Acquisition Date
en 1971
en Cham
Place of the cultural origin
Country Name
Recording place
en West Sumatra
Tags, Keywords
en Entertainment
Archivist Category
en Music (Instrumental)
Recording context
en Field recording
Instrument, Original Archivist Data
en Oboe
Instrument (Supplementary/Annotated Data)
en Saranai
Name of original Collection
en Musiques du Viet Nam (rituels chams et jöraï), de Malaisie et d'Indonésie, missions J. Dournes, 1969-1970.
Holding Institution of Original Materials
Copyright Information
Physical format
en Magnetic tape
Preservation State of Physical Object
en Recording in 9.5cm/s
Original item number
en CNRSMH_I_1971_003_001_23
SEAH Identifier
en CNRS_SEAHMH_I_1971_003_001_23
en Recording archived at Musée de l’Homme, Paris, by J. Dournes and preserved at BnF.