Striking mode of the “ding pong” tubular aerophone: “pong tur”

Instrumental music, tubular aerophone (bamboo stem) struck by three women. There are different strikes (see files: from BM.965.006.001:A-07 to:A-15): “pông tur”; “pah”; “tuöng ke döt”; “högor hroai” (accelerated rhythm); “tö löi hor kat”; “tuöng dak”; “pöng”; “kor nheng” (accelerated rhythm); "ak tö bblah" Unpublished sound recordings collected by Jacques Dournes, French missionary and researcher, in Viet Nam in 1964 from the Jörai population: funeral music, different modes of playing aerophones and a phonetic study.
Edited Title
Archivist's Original Title
en Striking mode of the “ding pong” tubular aerophone: “pong tur”
fr Mode de frappe de l'aérophone tubulaire "ding pong" : "pong tur"
Original description
en Instrumental music, tubular aerophone (bamboo stem) struck by three women. There are different strikes (see files: from BM.965.006.001:A-07 to:A-15): “pông tur”; “pah”; “tuöng ke döt”; “högor hroai” (accelerated rhythm); “tö löi hor kat”; “tuöng dak”; “pöng”; “kor nheng” (accelerated rhythm); "ak tö bblah" Unpublished sound recordings collected by Jacques Dournes, French missionary and researcher, in Viet Nam in 1964 from the Jörai population: funeral music, different modes of playing aerophones and a phonetic study.
fr Musique instrumentale, aérophone tubulaire (tige de bambou) frappé par trois femmes. Il y a différentes frappes (cf. fiches: de BM.965.006.001:A-07 à :A-15): " pông tur " ; " pah " ; " tuöng ke döt " ; " högor hroai " (rythme accéléré) ; " tö löi hor kat " ; " tuöng dak " ; " pöng " ; " kor nheng " (rythme accéléré) ; " ak tö bblah "Enregistrements sonores inédits collectés par Jacques Dournes, missionnaire et chercheur français, au Viet Nam en 1964 auprès de la population jörai : musique funéraire, différents modes de jeu d'aérophones et une étude phonétique.
Time duration
en 00:00:48
Recording date of the original material
en 1964-01-30
Acquisition Date
en 1965
en Jarai
Place of the cultural origin
Country Name
Recording place
en Central Viet Nam, Phu Bon Province
Resource Language
en Jarai
Archivist Category
en Music (Funeral)
Recording context
en Field recording
Instrument, Original Archivist Data
en Aerophone
Instrument (Supplementary/Annotated Data)
en Dding pong
Name of original Collection
en Viet Nam, Musique funéraire, modes de jeux d'aérophones et étude phonétique chez les Jörai, Dournes, 1964.
External reference
en Dournes, J. "La musique chez les Joraï" in "Objets et mondes", t. V, fasc.4, hiver 1965 pp.211-244, photos
Holding Institution of Original Materials
Copyright Information
Physical format
en Magnetic tape
Preservation State of Physical Object
en Record:9.5cm/s, 1/2 TrackA. Average sound qualities. See DT; file editor/ Tran Quang Hai, verification by Aliénor Anisensel .
Original item number
en CNRSMH_I_1965_006_001_07
SEAH Identifier
en CNRS_SEAHMH_I_1965_006_001_07
en Recording archived at Musée de l’Homme, Paris, by J. Dournes and preserved at BnF.