Batti'-batti', title: Selendang
Field recordings made in Sulawesi, Indonesia, in 1991, 1995 et 2015 by D. Rappoport and S. Serafini: various populations. This Song is a conversation between men and women on love, based on proverbs and improvisations sung in several languages (Selayar and Indonesian). Context: wedding party. The Song can last all night, for hours and hours (here the track already lasts 1h16). The interest lies in the amusing narration carried out, focusing on love and the couple, and the timbre of the voices.
Beauty and stimulation of reciprocity Sung. And beauty of call notes. Superb beginnings and ends of sentences, very lively rhythm. 2/4. The gambus follows the voice. It's monodic. Incisive strikes from the tmabour.
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Batti'-batti', title: Selendang
Chant alterné batti'-batti', titre Selendang, ceinture portée sur l’épaule
Batti'-batti', Selendang
Field recordings made in Sulawesi, Indonesia, in 1991, 1995 et 2015 by D. Rappoport and S. Serafini: various populations. This Song is a conversation between men and women on love, based on proverbs and improvisations sung in several languages (Selayar and Indonesian). Context: wedding party. The Song can last all night, for hours and hours (here the track already lasts 1h16). The interest lies in the amusing narration carried out, focusing on love and the couple, and the timbre of the voices.
Beauty and stimulation of reciprocity Sung. And beauty of call notes. Superb beginnings and ends of sentences, very lively rhythm. 2/4. The gambus follows the voice. It's monodic. Incisive strikes from the tmabour.
Enregistrements sonores inédits réalisés par Dana Rappoport et Serge Serafini (1991) en Indonésie (Sulawesi). Ces enregistrements ont été effectués dans le sud, le centre et l'est de l'île essentiellement en 1991 (quelques compléments de 1995 et 2015), auprès des populations Balinais, Bugis, Indonésien, Makassar, Pamona, Tolaki, Toraja Sa'dan. Ce chant est une conversation entre hommes et femmes sur l'amour, à partir de proverbes et d'improvisations Chantées en plusieurs langues (selayar et indonésien). Contexte: fête de mariage. Le Chant peut durer toute la nuit, des heures et des heures (ici la plage dure déjà 1h16). L'intérêt réside dans la narration amusante menée, portant sur l'amour et le couple, et le timbre des voix.
Beauté et stimulation de la réciprocité Chantée. Et beauté des notes d'appels. Début et fins de phrases superbes, rythme très enlevé. 2/4. Le gambus suit la voix. C'est monodique. Frappes incisives du tmabour.
Rekaman dibuat oleh Dana Rappoport dan Serge Serafini (1991) di Indonesia (Sulawesi). Rekaman ini dibuat di bagian selatan, tengah dan timur pulau ini terutama pada tahun 1991 (beberapa tambahan dari tahun 1995 dan 2015), di kalangan masyarakat Bali, Bugis, Indonesia, Makassar, Pamona, Tolaki, Toraja Sa'dan. Lagu ini merupakan perbincangan antara pria dan wanita tentang cinta, berdasarkan peribahasa dan improvisasi yang dinyanyikan dalam beberapa bahasa (Selayar dan Indonesia). Konteks: pesta pernikahan. Lagunya bisa bertahan semalaman, berjam-jam (di sini tracknya sudah berdurasi 1 jam 16). Ketertarikannya terletak pada narasi lucu yang dibawakan, fokus pada cinta dan pasangan, serta timbre suaranya.
Keindahan dan rangsangan timbal balik Sung. Dan keindahan catatan panggilan. Awal dan akhir kalimat yang luar biasa, ritme yang sangat hidup. 2/4. Gambus mengikuti suara itu. Itu monodik. Serangan tajam dari tmabour.
•Sarifuddin (from Rea-rea): singer, gambus lute, rebana drum; •Oma (tabang): vocals, gambus lute, and rebana drum, 35 years old, • Nurbaiti (from Balangsembo), vocals, 16 years old. The gambus lute has three double strings (C Eb G)
They are professional singers, regularly hired for weddings.
Balangsembo, Selayar Island
Music (Vocal)
Field recording
Indonesia, Sulawesi (South, Central, Eastern), 1991. D. Rappoport, S. Serafini
Archived at CREM, CNRS in 2011 by D. Rappoport
For any use, please contact the CREM-LESC (CNRS, Nanterre University, France): see information at
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