Histoire de Siapen-Kotan a mavakes Do-Seyli Jivatas, chant du gros poisson. Chant de pêche des grandes bécunes de Siapen-Nogan - Chant de l'Arrière-grand-père Des-abris-à-pirogues - Histoire de SK de poisson pavillon et de mérou ...

Field recordings collected in Lan Yu Island (Taïwan), Yami population, by V. Arnaud in 1977.
Edited Title
en Kavatavatanen Niapen-Kotan a mavakes Do-Seyli Jivatan, anood no rakoa among, Anood Niapen-Nogan no nitawazan da maravonot - Anood no ineynapo Niapen-kotan Do-Kakamaligan a Simina Veza, Kavatavatanen Niapen-kotan Jivatas no aoning kano veza -
Archivist's Original Title
fr Histoire de Siapen-Kotan a mavakes Do-Seyli Jivatas, chant du gros poisson. Chant de pêche des grandes bécunes de Siapen-Nogan - Chant de l'Arrière-grand-père Des-abris-à-pirogues - Histoire de SK de poisson pavillon et de mérou ...
en History of Siapen-Kotan a mavakes Do-Seyli Jivatas, song of the big fish. Fishing song of the great becunes of Siapen-Nogan - Song of the Great-grandfather Des-abris-à-pirogues - SK story of flag fish and grouper ...
Original description
en Field recordings collected in Lan Yu Island (Taïwan), Yami population, by V. Arnaud in 1977.
SEA Annotations
fr (suite titre)
Chant de poisson pavillon et de mérou géant de l'Arrière-grand-mère de Jivatas - Si-Ngarapad, chant de grande pirogue, chant du ressac -
2 Décembre 1977 : Prise d'un poisson de grande taille (cilat) de Siapen-Ngalingpoan, qui après avoir honoré sa carangue sur le terre-plein devant sa maison - reçoit ses parents et amis dans la soirée :
Chant d'ancien de Siapen-Ngalingpoan adressé à ses enfants - Paroles de Siapen-Ngalingpoan relatant sa fameuse pêche de carangue - Très beau chant de pêche de Siapen-Ngalingpoan d'un poisson de grande taille (arilos) repris par tous les hommes assemblés autour de lui - Chant de Siapen-Ngalingpoan rentrant au port à grande vitesse pour honorer sa prise de pêche et lui adresser des voeux de longévité (ipanlallagan) - Chant de Siapen-Ngalingpoan des dorades coryphènes et des poissons de grand taille (arilos) - Chant adressé à ses invités lors d'une fête - Chant modeste de Siapen-Manidong - Chant très modeste de Siapen-Ngalingpoan - Chant de félicité et de bonne pêche pour tous de Sian-Meydorisang.
(suite traduction)
Anood no veza - Anood Ni-Ngarapad no cinedkeran, anood so peptan -
Anood no rarakeh - Ciriciring Niapen-Ngalingpoan a mangap so cilat - Anood Niapen-Ngalingpoan so arilos - Anood Niapen-Ngalingpoan a meyvaci do vanoa - Anood Niapen-Ngalingpoan no maciarayo - anood no meyvazey Niapen-Ngalingpoan - Anood Niapen-Manidong - Masnek a anood Niapen-Ngalingpoan - Yapia so lag a anoanood Nian-Meydorisang.
en (continued title) Song of flag fish and giant grouper of the Great-grandmother of Jivatas - Si-Ngarapad, song of a large canoe, song of the surf - December 2, 1977: Catch of a large fish (cilat ) of Siapen-Ngalingpoan, who after having honored his trevally on the ground in front of his house - receives his parents and friends in the evening: Elder song of Siapen-Ngalingpoan addressed to his children - Words of Siapen-Ngalingpoan recounting his famous trevally fishing - Very beautiful fishing song of Siapen-Ngalingpoan of a large fish (arilos) taken up by all the men assembled around him - Song of Siapen-Ngalingpoan returning to the port at high speed to honor his catch of fishing and send him wishes for longevity (ipanlallagan) - Song of Siapen-Ngalingpoan of dolphinfish and large fish (arilos) - Song addressed to his guests during a party - Modest song of Siapen-Manidong - Very modest from Siapen-Ngalingpoan - Song of felicity and good fishing for all from Sian-Meydorisang. (continued translation) Anood no veza - Anood Ni-Ngarapad no cinedkeran, anood so peptan - Anood no rarakeh - Ciriciring Niapen-Ngalingpoan a mangap so cilat - Anood Niapen-Ngalingpoan so arilos - Anood Niapen-Ngalingpoan a meyvaci do vanoa - Anood Niapen -Ngalingpoan no maciarayo - anood no meyvazey Niapen-Ngalingpoan - Anood Niapen-Manidong - Masnek a anood Niapen-Ngalingpoan - Yapia so lag a anoanood Nian-Meydorisang.
Time duration
en 01:00:34
Recording date of the original material
en 1977
Acquisition Date
en 2012
en Yami
Place of the cultural origin
Country Name
Recording place
en Jiraraley village; Lan Yu Island
Resource Language
en Yami (Tao)
en InCopyright and/or related rights. URI: https://rightsstatements.org/page/InC/1.0/
For more information on the rights, please see the corpus record : https://archives.crem-cnrs.fr/archives/corpus/CNRSMH_Arnaud_001/
Archivist Category
en Music and spoken voice
Recording context
en Field recording
Name of original Collection
en Taiwan (Lan Yu), population Yami (actuels Tao), V. Arnaud expedition, 1977.
History of ownership
en Recordings digitized by R. Saint Estève, archived at CREM (CNRS) between 2012 and 2020, indexation and annotation by V. Arnaud.
Holding Institution of Original Materials
Copyright Information
Physical format
en Magnetic tape
Preservation State of Physical Object
en UHER magnétophone
Original item number
en CNRSMH_I_2013_014_027_001
SEAH Identifier
en SEAH_CNRSMH_I_2013_014_027_001