The Travellers
In a program produced by John Nicoll and chaired by Stewart Wavell, four missionaries from various regions, including the Arctic, Sarawak, North Burma, and Zululand, discuss the challenges and extraordinary occurrences they face in their way of life. The speakers include Joan Turner, Gwynedd Nichol, Rev. David Darlington, and Rev. Norman Gilmore. The program aired on June 25, 1965, and is categorized under the title TLO 515/638.
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The Travellers
The Travellers
In a program produced by John Nicoll and chaired by Stewart Wavell, four missionaries from various regions, including the Arctic, Sarawak, North Burma, and Zululand, discuss the challenges and extraordinary occurrences they face in their way of life. The speakers include Joan Turner, Gwynedd Nichol, Rev. David Darlington, and Rev. Norman Gilmore. The program aired on June 25, 1965, and is categorized under the title TLO 515/638.
Radio Programme
Radio Programme
Four missionaries, from the Arctic, Sarawak, North Burma, and Zululand, discuss their way of life, the risks, and the improbable things that can and do happen in these regions of the world. Chairman: Stewart Wavell. Produced by John Nicoll. A programme in the above series.\r\n\n\rPRE:Speakers: \rJoan Turner, Gwynedd Nichol, Rev. David Darlington and Rev. Norman Gilmore. OTN:TLO 515/638 \rTXN/TDT:HS 25-Jun-1965 \rANT:None \rCON:DARLINGTON David (spkr) \rGILMORE Norman (spkr) \rNICHOL Gwynedd (spkr) \rNICOLL John (prod) \rTURNER Joan (spkr) \rWAVELL Stewart (spkr) \r
LISC836817\n\n Rewind Asset ID: 6036251d748d8fc68cb1ef6a
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