Indonesia, Borneo Expedition (Kalimantan Timur), Pierre Ivanoff (1953-1954)

Field recordings, made by Pierre Ivanoff between 1953 and1954, during an expedition in East Borneo (on the Mahakam River): shamanic ceremony during which Ubung, the man-medicine, makes incantations to the Gods for the cure of a patient
en Indonesia, Borneo Expedition (Kalimantan Timur), Pierre Ivanoff (1953-1954)
fr Expédition à Bornéo, Pierre Ivanoff (1953-1954)
en Field recordings, made by Pierre Ivanoff between 1953 and1954, during an expedition in East Borneo (on the Mahakam River): shamanic ceremony during which Ubung, the man-medicine, makes incantations to the Gods for the cure of a patient
fr Enregistrements sonores inédits, effectués par Pierre Ivanoff entre 1953-1954, lors d'une expédition dans l'Est de Bornéo (sur le fleuve Mahakam) : cérémonie shamanique pendant laquelle Ubung, l'homme-médecine, adresse des incantations aux Dieux en vue de la guérison d'un malade

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