Indonesia : East Flores, Solor, Adonara, Lembata Islands, 2006-2007

This collection, compiled by Dana Rappoport during a one-year fieldwork in 2006-2007, brings together 389 items recorded in the eastern part of the island of Flores and on the neighboring islands of Solor, Adonara and Lembata. The Lamaholot ethno-linguistic group is divided into two musical languages: polyphonic duets in eastern Flores and eastern Solor vs monodic singing on the islands of Adonara, Lembata and western Solor.
Indonesia : East Flores, Solor, Adonara, Lembata Islands, 2006-2007
id Indonesia: Flores Timur, Solor, Adonara, Lembata, 2006-2007
en This collection, compiled by Dana Rappoport during a one-year fieldwork in 2006-2007, brings together 389 items recorded in the eastern part of the island of Flores and on the neighboring islands of Solor, Adonara and Lembata. The Lamaholot ethno-linguistic group is divided into two musical languages: polyphonic duets in eastern Flores and eastern Solor vs monodic singing on the islands of Adonara, Lembata and western Solor.
id Koleksi ini, yang direkam oleh Dana Rappoport selama satu tahun penelitian lapangan pada tahun 2006-2007, mengumpulkan 389 item dari Flores timur dan pulau tetangga Solor, Adonara dan Lembata. Kelompok etno-linguistik Lamaholot terbagi dari macam: duet polifonik di Flores timur dan Solor timur, dan nyanyian monodik di pulau Adonara, Lembata, dan Solor barat.
fr Cette collection, constituée par Dana Rappoport lors d'un travail de terrain d'un an en 2006-2007, rassemble 389 pièces collectées dans la partie orientale de l'île de Flores et sur les îles voisines de Solor, Adonara et Lembata. Le groupe ethnolinguistique Lamaholot est divisé en deux idiomes musicaux : les duos polyphoniques à l'est de Flores et à l'est de Solor et les grands choeurs monodiques dansés sur les îles d'Adonara, Lembata et l'ouest de Solor.

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