Timor-Leste: Atauro island, 2019-2023

This collection comprises 338 recordings made by Dana Rappoport during two missions to the small island of Atauro (Timor-Leste), in 2019, 2022 and 2023, as part of a Franco-Timorese program. On this island, three ethno-linguistic groups live side by side: Adadi, Manroni and Humangili. Their music bears witness to a rich vocal and instrumental practice that is on the verge of extinction: intimate songs, courtship songs accompanied by the musical bow or the Jew's harp, dugout dragging songs, ritual songs to call fresh water, rounds and chains alternating with responsorial chorus, gongs and drums. This collection is available in Tetun language.
Timor-Leste: Atauro island, 2019-2023
en This collection comprises 338 recordings made by Dana Rappoport during two missions to the small island of Atauro (Timor-Leste), in 2019, 2022 and 2023, as part of a Franco-Timorese program. On this island, three ethno-linguistic groups live side by side: Adadi, Manroni and Humangili. Their music bears witness to a rich vocal and instrumental practice that is on the verge of extinction: intimate songs, courtship songs accompanied by the musical bow or the Jew's harp, dugout dragging songs, ritual songs to call fresh water, rounds and chains alternating with responsorial chorus, gongs and drums. This collection is available in Tetun language.
fr Cette collection regroupe 338 enregistrements réalisés par Dana Rappoport lors de deux missions sur la petite île d’Atauro, (2019, 2022, 2023), à l’occasion d’un programme franco-timorais. Sur cette île, trois groupes ethno-linguistiques cohabitent : Adadi, Manroni et Humangili. Les musiques témoignent d’une riche pratique vocale et instrumentale en voie d’extinction : chants intimes, chants courtois accompagnés à l’arc musical ou à la guimbarde, chants de traction de pirogues, chants rituels pour appeler l’eau douce aux sources, rondes et chaînes alternant en chœurs responsoriaux, chants sur gongs et tambour. Collection accessible en tetun, la langue nationale de Timor-Leste.
tet Kolesaun ne’e kompostu husi gravasaun 338 ne’ebé rekolla husi Dana Rappoport iha illa kiik Atauro (Timor-Leste), iha tinan 2019 no 2023, hanesan parte ida husi programa Franco-Timorense. Iha illa ne’e konvive grupu etnolinguístiku tolu mak hanesan: Adade, Manroni no Humagili. Sira nia múzika sai hanesan testemuña husi rikeza prátika vokal no instrumentál ne’ebé iha hela risku atu lakon: múzika íntimu, múzika ba namoro akomapaña ho arku múzikál ka kakeit, knananuk ba dada ró, múzika ba rituál bolu udan been (bee midar), hale’u no haktalik ho lian korál responsivu, lian knananuk ho gong u no tambor. Kolesaun asesível iha tétum, lian ofisiál Timor-Leste nian.
id Koleksi ini terdiri dari 338 rekaman yang dibuat oleh Dana Rappoport selama dua misi ke pulau kecil Atauro (Timor-Leste), pada tahun 2019, 2022 dan 2023, sebagai bagian dari program Perancis-Timor. Di pulau ini, tiga kelompok etno-linguistik hidup berdampingan: Adadi, Manroni, dan Humangili. Musik mereka menjadi saksi kekayaan praktik vokal dan instrumental yang berada di ambang kepunahan: lagu intim, lagu pacaran diiringi musik busur atau harpa Yahudi, lagu menyeret ruang istirahat, lagu ritual memanggil air tawar, putaran dan rantai bergantian dengan paduan suara responsorial, gong dan kendang. Koleksi ini tersedia dalam bahasa Tetun.

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