(KEKA) Teka-teki agraria di -to, "Ton gésik kamé go to

Field recording collected by Dana Rappoport at Tanjung Bunga, Eastern Flores, from 2009 to 2012.
Edited Title
Archivist's Original Title
id (KEKA) Teka-teki agraria di -to, "Ton gésik kamé go to
en (KEKA) Agrarian riddle in -to, "Ton gésik kamé go to
fr (KEKA) Devinette en -to, "Ton gésik kamé go to"
Original description
Field recording collected by Dana Rappoport at Tanjung Bunga, Eastern Flores, from 2009 to 2012.
SEA Annotations
During a day of weeding in the field, 1h30 from the village, Bapa' Kobus, Bapa' Boli and Bapa' Dao play guessing games. It's about making the other guess a plant that ends in the vowel -to. Here the grass whose name must be become is called wua keloton. Very rare
Time duration
Recording date of the original material
Acquisition Date
Place of the cultural origin
Country Name
Recording place
Flores, Keka, Tanjung Bunga, Kabupaten Flores Timur
Resource Language
Sound file: ITV 2011/KEKA/Kemuku 02.aiff sound extract from the video, cassette 38 or 39 (see digitized files)
Archivist Category
Music (Vocal)
Recording context
English Field recording
Name of original Collection
Indonesia : Eastern Flores (Tanjung Bunga peninsula), 2009-2012.
History of ownership
Sound recording archived at Musée de l'Homme in 2011 by D. Rappoport
Holding Institution of Original Materials
Copyright Notice
For any use, please contact the CREM-LESC (CNRS, Nanterre University, France): see information at https://archives.crem-cnrs.fr
Physical format
English Digital file
Original item number
SEAH Identifier

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