(Flores Waiklibang) Go'ok, Duet Pria

Field recording collected by Dana Rappoport in Eastern Indonesia in 2006 and 2007.
Edited Title
Archivist's Original Title
id (Flores Waiklibang) Go'ok, Duet Pria
en (Flores Waiklibang) Go'ok, Male Duo
fr (Flores Waiklibang) Duo Go'ok
Original description
Field recording collected by Dana Rappoport in Eastern Indonesia in 2006 and 2007.
SEA Annotations
Recorded during the Dokan Gurun ritual, during a break, two men sit and sing.
Time duration
Recording date of the original material
Acquisition Date
Place of the cultural origin
Country Name
Recording place
Flores, Waiklibang, Kec. Tanjung Bunga, Kabupaten Flores Timur
Resource Language
Paulus Platin Maran; Paulus Meo Hokon
Flores island, Kabupaten Flores Timur, Kecamatan TANJUNG BUNGA, desa Waiklibang (Keywords): agrarian rite - polyphony - counterpoint A crisis has just taken place. The old narrator, Bapa' Platin, blind, was insulted, mocked by the young people, about his dance step. The old man flies into a rage and in the song utters insanities. To repair the crisis, he sings this song, recalling the unity of the clans. The ritual dokan gurun ("save, set aside, wrap") is done to store the seed in the attic. This seed is the body of a sacrificed woman. On this occasion, the myth of the origin of rice is recited all night long, while dancing in front of the koké temple, between the Maran clan house and the temple. See video, see publications.
Archivist Category
English Music (Vocal)
Recording context
English Field recording
Instrument, Original Archivist Data
Voice - singing: male
Name of original Collection
Indonesia : East Flores, Solor, Adonara, Lembata Islands, 2006-2007.
External reference
Rappoport & Simonnot, CD Chants de Flores et Solor, 2010, AIMP, Geneva
History of ownership
Sound recording archived at Musée de l'Homme in 2007 by D. Rappoport
Holding Institution of Original Materials
Copyright Information
Physical format
English Digital file
Preservation State of Physical Object
Original item number
SEAH Identifier

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