Danse des Udoq


Edited Title

id Tarian udoq

Archivist's Original Title

fr Danse des Udoq
en Udoq dance

Original description

en Vocal and instrumental music collected in Kalimantan Timur in 1977 by N. Revel, J. Maceda and I Made Bandem. Ceremonial dance welcoming rice seeds to the village by all the villagers (200 families) in their finest attire and all the musical instruments together as well as the mouth organ, kedirek which revolves around the central column topped by toucan , surrounded by two tigers.
Dance of masks in a semi-circle facing the column, on the left, udoq kitaq (worn by men), made of wood and on the right udoq kibah (worn by women), made of inverted hoods covered with beaded tapestries representing the udoq on the face of the overturned basket.
The gestures are very slow and graceful. At the center of these two semicircular groups arrives udoq taing whose head represents an enormous wild boar (carried by 10 men) and small figures, udoq maok surrounds him and carry blowguns and quivers as well as baskets full of rice seeds. They represent the hunter-gatherers, Punan. (Cf. Bilingual booklet. The music of the Kenyah and Modang in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Face I.5, p.5)

Time duration

en 0:12:54


Recording date of the original material

en 1977-04

Acquisition Date

en 2010


en Kenyah

Place of the cultural origin

Country Name

Recording place

en Kalimantan Timur, Long Segar sur la rivière Telen

Resource Language

en Kenyah


en Mouth organ, kedirek; suspended xylophones, jatung utang; lutes, sampeq.
Oral comments by the ethnographer. Description of the masks and costumes.
Cf. l1978, Revel-Macdonald, Nicole “The dance of the Hudoq masks”, Objets et Mondes, la Revue du Musée de l'Homme, volume 18, fasc. 1-2 (spring-summer), pp. 31-44, 3 maps, 2 plans, photos.
See musical transcription (Cf. Bilingual booklet. The music of the Kenyah and Modang in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. p. 17)

Archivist Category

en Music (Instrumental)

Recording context

en Field recording

Instrument, Original Archivist Data

en Spoken voice: female; Mouth organ; Xylophone; 3-string lute

Instrument (Supplementary/Annotated Data)

en Kedirek;Jatung utang;Sampeq


Name of original Collection

en Kalimantan Timur (Bornéo Est) ; Revel, N. 1977.

Collection source citation

Related material

External reference

en 1979, REVEL, MACEDA & I Made Bandem, The Music of the Kenyah and the Modang, Kalimantan Timur, 33RPM, Unesco, University of the Philippines, Quezon City ; - 1982, Revel-Macdonald, Nicole‘Masks in Kalimantan Timur’, Mask II, The World of Music, Berlin. International Institute for Comparative Music Studies and Documentation, pp. 52-57. - 1988, Revel-Macdonald, Nicole‘The Dayaks : On the Ancestors, the Dead and the Living’, Islands and Ancestors, J.P. Barbier and D. Newton (eds), The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New-York, pp. 66-85 and pp. 240-257.

History of ownership

en Tapes digitized and archived at CREM (CNRS, Nanterre) by Nicole Revel in 2010.

Licensing Institution

Accessing Institutions

Copyright Information


Physical format

en Magnetic tape

Preservation State of Physical Object

en Copy

Original item number

en CNRSMH_I_2010_006_006_05

SEAH Identifier

en SEAH_CNRSMH_I_2010_006_006_05

