Papua New Guinea



en Papua New Guinea







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Title Alternate label Class
Male Solo Singing with Chorus and Drum Country Name CreativeWork
Chorus song accompanied by a drum Country Name CreativeWork
Mixed Chorus singing accompanied by a drum Country Name CreativeWork
Mixed Chorus singing accompanied by a drum Country Name CreativeWork
Women's Chorus Singing Country Name CreativeWork
Women's Chorus Singing Country Name CreativeWork
Solo singing, child's voice Country Name CreativeWork
Male solo vocals Country Name CreativeWork
Jew's Harp Country Name CreativeWork
Jew's Harp Country Name CreativeWork
Jew's Harp Country Name CreativeWork
Solo singing and Chorus of young men Country Name CreativeWork
Solo singing and Chorus of young men Country Name CreativeWork
Jew's harp solo, bebengo Country Name CreativeWork
Instrumental piece: five whistles, pepero Country Name CreativeWork
Instrumental piece: five whistles, pepero Country Name CreativeWork
Instrumental piece: three boys whistling Country Name CreativeWork
Instrumental piece: five boys whistling Country Name CreativeWork
Instrumental piece: trumpets Country Name CreativeWork
Jew's harp solo, bebengo Country Name CreativeWork
Instrumental piece: two trumpets Country Name CreativeWork
Ceremony for the spirits of the forest Country Name CreativeWork
Men's Chorus accompanied by hourglass drums Country Name CreativeWork
Instrumental piece Country Name CreativeWork
Chorus and instruments Country Name CreativeWork