Papua New Guinea



en Papua New Guinea







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Title Alternate label Class
Recording from Buang population Country Name CreativeWork
Recording from Buang population Country Name CreativeWork
Recording from Buang population Country Name CreativeWork
Recording from Buang population Country Name CreativeWork
Sing-sing. Country Name CreativeWork
Popular scene - 1. Country Name CreativeWork
Popular scene - 2. Country Name CreativeWork
Popular scene - 3. Country Name CreativeWork
Musical bow solo. Country Name CreativeWork
[Flutes.] Country Name CreativeWork
Chorus singing accompanied by drums. Country Name CreativeWork
[Man singing.] Country Name CreativeWork
Two flutes. Country Name CreativeWork
Girls singing - 1. Country Name CreativeWork
Girls singing - 2. Country Name CreativeWork
Musical bow - 1. Country Name CreativeWork
Musical bow - 2. Country Name CreativeWork
Two flute players - 1. Country Name CreativeWork
Two flute players - 2. Country Name CreativeWork
Two flute players - 3. Country Name CreativeWork
Drums. Country Name CreativeWork
Popular stage, Telefolmin. Drums, rhythmic shouts, singing and drums, pig cries, incantations, spoken words. Country Name CreativeWork
Sing-sing, Telefolmin - 1. Country Name CreativeWork
Sing-sing, Telefolmin - 2. Country Name CreativeWork
[Songs and speeches.] Country Name CreativeWork