(Bajau) Tumalan Palalaun, singing accompanied by Gambus


Archivist's Original Title

en (Bajau) Tumalan Palalaun, singing accompanied by Gambus
fr (Bajau) Tumalan Palalaun, Chant accompagné au gambus, "avance doucement »
id (Bajau) Tumalan Palalaun, Nyanyian diiringi Gambus

Original description

en Field recordings made in Sumbawa, Indonesia, in 1992 by D. Rappoport and J. Simonnot. Singing accompanied by gambus lute (3 strings) and the help of a drum. There are three of them: gambus player (average), singer (very good), can player (which replaces the gendang drum). It is a song of abandoned love (syair cewek). Probable names: Mahyuddin, Akadir, Mauraja (?). Here the singing mixes Bajau and salayar (South Sulawesi).
fr Enregistrements sonores inédits réalisés par Dana Rappoport et Joséphine Simonnot du 18 au 24 septembre 1992, en Indonésie (Sumbawa). Chant accompagné au luth gambus (3 cordes) et l'aide d'un bidon. Ils sont trois: joueur de gambus (moyen), Chanteur (très bon), joueur de bidon (qui remplace le tambour gendang). C'est un Chant d'amour abandonné (syair cewek). Noms probables: Mahyuddin, Akadir, Mauraja (?). Ici le Chant mélangeBajau et salayar (Sud Sulawesi).
id Rekaman yang dibuat oleh Dana Rappoport dan Joséphine Simonnot dari tanggal 18 hingga 24 September 1992, di Indonesia (Sumbawa). Bernyanyi diiringi gambus kecapi (3 senar) dan bantuan gendang. Ada tiga di antaranya: pemain gambus (rata-rata), penyanyi (sangat baik), pemain kaleng (yang menggantikan gendang gendang). Itu adalah lagu cinta yang ditinggalkan (syair cewek). Kemungkinan nama: Mahyuddin, Akadir, Mauraja (?). Di sini nyanyiannya memadukan Bajau dan Salayar (Sulawesi Selatan).

SEA Annotations

en Recorded in a house on stilts,In the house of the village chief (kepala desa), Pa' Saharuddin, at 4 p.m. The house is pretty, without glass, opened to the winds.

Time duration

en 00:08:59


Recording date of the original material

en 1992-09-23

Acquisition Date

en 2011

Place of the cultural origin

Country Name

Recording place

en Sumabawa Island, Kabupaten Sumbawa Besar, Kecamatan Alas, Bugin (Stilt village)

Resource Language

en Bajau

Archivist Category

en Music (Vocal)

Recording context

English Field recording


en 13401

Name of original Collection

en Indonesia, Sumbawa, 1992. D. Rappoport, J. Simonnot

Collection source citation

Related material

History of ownership

en Archived at CREM, CNRS, in 2011 by D. Rappoport and J. Simonnot

Holding Institution of Original Materials

Licensing Institution

Accessing Institutions

Copyright Information


Physical format

English Digital Audio Tape

Preservation State of Physical Object

en original

Original item number

en CNRSMH_I_2011_014_007_03

SEAH Identifier

en SEAH_CNRSMH_I_2011_014_007_03