


en Hanoï
vi Hà Nội


en North Viet Nam City







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Title Alternate label Class
Berceuse Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
"Parler-chanté" : "Le paysage des Monts parfumés" Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
"Chant accompagné par le luth ty ba" (luth piriforme vietnamien) Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Chant de "la dame de l'ennui" (c'est-à-dire de l'opium) Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Chant "Gui-thu" (Envoi d'une missive) Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Chant Thet-Nhac Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Chant du Tỳ Bà Hành Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Chant à boire Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Chant des trente-six airs Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Explication des techniques ornementales au luth par Khuê à Hanoï Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Suite de l'explication des techniques ornementales au luth par Khuê Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Fin de l'explication des techniques ornementales par Khuê Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Les 5 échelles pentatoniques "cung" par Khuê Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Explication des techniques ornementales vocales du Ca trù par Thuy Hoà Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Hat noi "Hong Hong Tuyet Tuyet" par l'Ensemble Ca trù Thai Hà dans le style khuôn Style dit "du modèle, du cadre" : exemple du chant fameux "Mlle Rose, Mlle Neige" Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Hat noi "Hong Hong Tuyet Tuyet" par l'ensemble Ca trù Thai Hà dans le style hoa la, Style fleuri, exemple du chant fameux "Mlle Rose, Mlle Neige" Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Gui thu par l'Ensemble Ca trù Thai Hà "Envoi d'une missive" Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Radio broadcast from Hanoi on a modern song and its different interpretations jörai, edê, bahnar Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Hanoi radio broadcast on the music of the Montagnards of Central Viet Nam Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
 French translations of Thai sentences Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
 Excerpt from a traditional sung theater piece Hat tuông Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
 Two Bac de la Musique de Huê pieces: “L’eau qui flowing” and “Les sapèques d’or” Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
 Song of the Black Horse Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
 Poetic declamation; Poem “Walk” by Thanh Huyen Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
 Two work songs "ho" Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork