South East Asia Records, Musée de l'Homme - BnF (France)



en South East Asia Records, Musée de l'Homme - BnF (France)


en 78 RPM and CD records about South East Asia music collected and archived at Musée de l'Homme, Paris, France


Indonesia, Java, Columbia record Indonesia, Java, Columbia record Indonesia, Java, Columbia record Phonograph Victor (Wikipedia)

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Title Alternate label Class
Voice and gamelan Collection source citation CreativeWork
Gamelan Collection source citation CreativeWork
Mixed chorus and pairs of pounding tubes, 1 Collection source citation CreativeWork
Mixed chorus and pairs of pounding tubes, 2 Collection source citation CreativeWork
Mixed chorus and pairs of pounding tubes, 3 Collection source citation CreativeWork
Hat cheo theater song Collection source citation CreativeWork
Voices of the Spirits Mai Collection source citation CreativeWork
Voice and flute playing Collection source citation CreativeWork
Men's songs Collection source citation CreativeWork
Singing with pilipe flute Collection source citation CreativeWork
Individual singing Collection source citation CreativeWork
Harmonic melody (insect) Collection source citation CreativeWork
Heyalo song Collection source citation CreativeWork
Kecak chorus Collection source citation CreativeWork