Tropical Institute Amsterdam



Tropical Institute Amsterdam


Instituut voor de Tropen (Amsterdam)
KIT Royal Tropical Institute
Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen
Tropical Institute Amsterdam (Later known as Tropenmuseum/ Tropical Museum/ Museum of the Tropics)


Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Mauritskade 64
1092 AD Amsterdam
The Netherlands

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The current KIT is an independent centre of expertise and education for sustainable development, and its collective of more than 80 international experts assist governments, NGOs and private corporations around the world to build inclusive and sustainable societies. In 2014 the Tropenmuseum became independent and merged with other Dutch Ethnographic Museums. The archives of the Tropeninstituut are held at the National Archive in The Hague.

Tropenmuseum: The museum opened in 1926 as part of the larger Colonial Institute. Various sponsors, including the Ministry of Colonies, commissioned this institute to be built.
There were three departments: The Trade Museum, Tropical Hygiene and Anthropology, each with its own collection and exhibition space in the museum. The articles of association of the Colonial Institute give two main reasons for the existence of the museum: collecting and disseminating knowledge about the overseas territories (colonial propaganda) and promoting all the interests stemming from the colonial possessions, for both the Netherlands and the colonies (van Duuren, 1990:25)
From the 1990s the museum rearranged the various departments. It organized high-profile temporary exhibitions using new exhibition techniques. In 2014 the museum merged with the Museum Volkenkunde in Leiden and the Afrika Museum in Berg en Dal to form the National Museum of World Cultures. From then it fell under the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and the collection formed part of the National collection.
