Viet Nam



Viet Nam






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 Solo of the instrument "Dao" among the Khmu Country Name CreativeWork
 Love song by a Khmu man,1 Country Name CreativeWork
 Love song by a Khmu man,2 Country Name CreativeWork
 Drinking song by a Srê woman Country Name CreativeWork
 Khmu dance tune Country Name CreativeWork
 Song and clarinet among the Khmu Country Name CreativeWork
 The song of reforestation by a Tay woman Country Name CreativeWork
 Modern song “Embroidering a handkerchief for an anti-aircraft fighter” by a Tay woman Country Name CreativeWork
 Tay song "Wishes for the New Year" Country Name CreativeWork
 Excerpts from the great poem "Song chu Son Sao" by a Tay woman Country Name CreativeWork
 Popular tune of Tay de Yên Châu,1 Country Name CreativeWork
Popular tune of the Tay de Yên Châu,2 Country Name CreativeWork
 Air of black Thais Country Name CreativeWork
 Air tay: “Recognition to the victims of the front” Country Name CreativeWork
 French translations of Thai sentences Country Name CreativeWork
 Excerpt from a traditional sung theater piece Hat tuông Country Name CreativeWork
 Two Bac de la Musique de Huê pieces: “L’eau qui flowing” and “Les sapèques d’or” Country Name CreativeWork
 Bac de la Musique de Huê piece: “Walk on the snow” Country Name CreativeWork
 Piece Bac de la Musique de Huê: “Song of travel by land” Country Name CreativeWork
 Ancient spring piece of the Music of Huê Country Name CreativeWork
 Huê Music piece “The passage of clouds” Country Name CreativeWork
 “Spring 61” on a poem by Tố Hữu Country Name CreativeWork
 Singing in the "ve" form; Mẹ Suốt, poem by Tố Hữu Country Name CreativeWork
 Nam pieces including “Southern Peace” Country Name CreativeWork
 Song of the Black Horse Country Name CreativeWork