Viet Nam



Viet Nam






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Title Alternate label Class
Jörai rites and customs commented,3 Country Name CreativeWork
Jörai rites and customs commented,4 Country Name CreativeWork
Retelling of the H'Thing tale Country Name CreativeWork
Declaimed retelling of the tale Dam Yi Country Name CreativeWork
Ritual invocations,1 Country Name CreativeWork
Clarinet solo “dding-guih” Country Name CreativeWork
“röding” jaw harp solo Country Name CreativeWork
Soundscape at night: the noisy grasshoppers “ya Greek” Country Name CreativeWork
Soundscape at night: the noisy “lang jap” grasshoppers Country Name CreativeWork
Nighttime soundscape: noisy “gecko” grasshoppers Country Name CreativeWork
Man's song,1 Country Name CreativeWork
Man's Song,2 Country Name CreativeWork
Solo of "ddong-köni": tune of funeral cries Country Name CreativeWork
Solo of "ddong-köni",1 Country Name CreativeWork
Solo of "ddong-köni",2 Country Name CreativeWork
Solo of "ddong-köni", 3 Country Name CreativeWork
MODERN POLITICAL SONGS,1 Country Name CreativeWork
MODERN POLITICAL SONGS,2 Country Name CreativeWork
Pan flute solo "dding dek", 1 Country Name CreativeWork
“dding pi” blowtorch solo Country Name CreativeWork
Song called "young people",1 Country Name CreativeWork
Song called "young people",2 Country Name CreativeWork
Song called "young people",3 Country Name CreativeWork
Song called "young people",4 Country Name CreativeWork
Song called "young people",5 Country Name CreativeWork