Viet Nam



Viet Nam






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Title Alternate label Class
Brother's answer* Country Name CreativeWork
Continuation of the duet of the brothers* Country Name CreativeWork
Suite of the sung duet of the two brothers* Country Name CreativeWork
Sung duet alternated between the two brothers* Country Name CreativeWork
"The galloping horse" piece (Bac mode piece) Country Name CreativeWork
Piece "The galloping horse" (2nd time) Country Name CreativeWork
Satirical popular song "The country girl" Country Name CreativeWork
Sampaniere working song Country Name CreativeWork
Piece "The Declamation of the Dragon" (Bac mode piece) Country Name CreativeWork
Possession Song* Country Name CreativeWork
Funeral song Country Name CreativeWork
Song from the Ca Huê repertoire Country Name CreativeWork
Working edge for rice husking Country Name CreativeWork
Popular song "The song of the blackbird" Country Name CreativeWork
"Southern Peace" Coin (Nam Mode Coin) Country Name CreativeWork
"Southern Peace" Coin (Nam Mode Coin) Country Name CreativeWork
"Southern Peace" Coin (Nam Mode Coin) Country Name CreativeWork
First Piece "Xàng Xê" Country Name CreativeWork
Second Piece "Ngủ đối thượng" Country Name CreativeWork
Third Piece "Ngủ đối hạ" (item not found on digitization) Country Name CreativeWork
PIECE "XUAN NU" (piece out of the repertoire) Country Name CreativeWork
Fifth piece "Long đăng" Country Name CreativeWork
Fourth piece "Long ngam" Country Name CreativeWork
Sixth Piece "Vạn giá" Country Name CreativeWork
Seventh Piece "Tiểu khúc" Country Name CreativeWork