Centre de Recherche en Ethnomusicologie (LESC, CNRS)



Centre de Recherche en Ethnomusicologie (LESC, CNRS)


CREM-LESC, UMR 7186, CNRS, Paris- Nanterre University


Université Paris-Nanterre, 92000 Nanterre, France


Centre de Recherche en Ethnomusicologie



Logo CREM, LESC, France

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Title Alternate label Class
Sound of gongs of the biêt population Accessing Institutions CreativeWork
Playing gongs on the occasion of a chicken sacrifice Accessing Institutions CreativeWork
Piece "the song of the partridge" by a set of five whistles Accessing Institutions CreativeWork
Piece "Le chant de la tourterelle" by a set of five whistles Accessing Institutions CreativeWork
Piece "Le vol du channeton" by a set of five whistles Accessing Institutions CreativeWork
Singing tale of the legend of Prince Dam Yi Accessing Institutions CreativeWork
Flute solo, piece "Flight of a toucan" Accessing Institutions CreativeWork
Flute solo, piece "Coups de beak du woodpecker" Accessing Institutions CreativeWork
Gôc bamboo jew's harp solo, "Monkey hunt" piece Accessing Institutions CreativeWork
Kok xylophone piece announcing the start of the war Accessing Institutions CreativeWork
Tubular zither solo, piece "The crow that skims the surface" Accessing Institutions CreativeWork
Playing gongs and drums on the occasion of a sacrifice Accessing Institutions CreativeWork
Playing gongs and drums while drinking from a jar Accessing Institutions CreativeWork
Sacrificial prayers sung without gongs Accessing Institutions CreativeWork
Consultation of minds on various subjects Accessing Institutions CreativeWork
Jew's harp solo, piece "Consolation of a crying child" Accessing Institutions CreativeWork
Marriage proposal song Accessing Institutions CreativeWork
Sacrifice of a pig in honor of a visitor Accessing Institutions CreativeWork
Set of whistles, "tot mdon" game Accessing Institutions CreativeWork
Set of whistles, "wak wao" game Accessing Institutions CreativeWork
Set of whistles, game "hri mong" Accessing Institutions CreativeWork
Set of whistles, game "kdor kdok" Accessing Institutions CreativeWork
Tubular zither solo gông, piece called "for the walk" Accessing Institutions CreativeWork
Men's song accompanied by gông tubular zither Accessing Institutions CreativeWork
Men's song accompanied by gông tubular zither Accessing Institutions CreativeWork