Dana Rappoport



Dana Rappoport

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en French

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en French ethnomusicologist at the CNRS (French National Scientific Research Center). Since 1991, her research deals with music of the Insulindian archipelago, studied by way of formal musicology, anthropology of religion and social organisation. She has explored the music of several islands, particularly in the eastern part of the archipelago (Borneo, Sulawesi, Sumbawa, Flores, Solor, Adonara, Lembata, and Atauro).
fr Ethnomusicologue française, chercheuse au CNRS. Depuis 1991, ses recherches portent sur les musiques de l'archipel insulindien, étudiées sous l'angle de la musicologie formelle, de l'anthropologie des religions et de l'organisation sociale. Elle a exploré les musiques de dans plusieurs îles, en particulier dans la partie orientale de l'archipel (Borneo, Sulawesi, Sumbawa, Flores, Solor, Adonara, Lembata, et Atauro).
id Etnomusikolog di Pusat Penelitian Prancis (CNRS). Ahli seni suara dan musik di kepulauan nusantara, yang diteliti melalui lensa ilmiah musikologi, antropologi, agama dan organisasi sosial.Ia telah menjelajahi musik di beberapa pulau, khususnya di bagian timur kepulauan Nusantara (Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Sumbawa, Flores, Solor, Adonara, Lembata, dan Atauro).
tet Etnomuzikóloga franseza husi Sentru Nasionál Peskiza Sientífika (CNRS) hahú nia peskiza iha tinan 1991, ne'ebé lida ho múzika iha arkipélagu insulíndia nian, peskiza ne'e realiza ho meiu muzikolojia formál, antropolojia relijioza no organizasaun sosiál.

Is Referenced By

Dana Rappoport di Toraja, 2018. Slide. Marib

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Mixed chorus when pulling down the dugout canoe (u paung ei sou) Collector CreativeWork
Mixed chorus when pulling down the dugout canoe (ko hoi ma lele) Collector CreativeWork
Mixed chorus when pulling down the dugout canoe (hele lau me pata + Koli Kala) Collector CreativeWork
Mixed chorus when pulling down the dugout canoe (O heli luri tasi) Collector CreativeWork
Mixed chorus when pulling down the dugout canoe (O heli luri tasi) Collector CreativeWork
Mixed chorus when pulling down the dugout canoe (Huri lima resi) Collector CreativeWork
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