Tataran Island



Tataran Island






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Recitation of the syllabary Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Sentences spelled with syllable repetition Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Reading by doubling syllables of a message, its normal enunciation and its translation into English Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Reading of the message then articulation by syllabic doubling made by Nicole Revel Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Reading of the message then articulation by syllabic doubling made by Jose Rilla Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Ring flute parts Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Parts for Kulintang Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Parts for Kulintang (continued 1) Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Pieces for Kulintang (continued 2) Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Pieces for Kulintang (continued 3) Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Pieces for Kulintang (continued 4): udyang-udyang Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Pieces for Kulintang (continued 5) Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Large nipple gong, agung. Tinaptapan Rhythm Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork