The Queen's Journey


Edited Title

The Queen's Journey

Archivist's Original Title

The Queen's Journey

Original description

In 1953, the Australian Broadcasting Commission recorded and aired the Christmas Day message of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II from Auckland, New Zealand. The message was narrated by Chester Wilmot and featured music composed by John Antill and played by the Sydney Symphony Orchestra. Producers involved in the production included Laurence Gilliam, Alan Burgess, and Neil Huchison. The message included greetings from various members of the Commonwealth, and speakers included individuals like Chief Asbula, Sir Edmund Hillary, and Queen Salote of Tonga.

Time duration


Recording date of the original material


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Country Name

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Archivist Category

Radio Programme

Recording context

Radio Programme

Holding Institution of Original Materials

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Original item number


SEAH Identifier


Other Identifier


Broadcast Topic

Culture | Sport


Christmas Day greetings from the Commonwealth; followed by the Christmas Message of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II, from Auckland, New Zealand. Narrator: Chester Wilmot. Producers: Laurence Gilliam, Alan Burgess and Neil Huchison. Music composed by John Antill and played by the Sydney Symphony Orchestra. Rec. Sydney, Australia, by the Australian Broadcasting Commission. rOTN:TAU 17473 \rTXN/TDT:HS and LP 25-Dec-1953 \rANT:Op \rCON:ADAMS Harry (spkr) \rANTILL John (comp) \rASBULA Chief (spkr) \rAWANG (spkr) \rBAIGENT John (spkr) \rBURGESS Alan (prod) \rCHAN Miss (spkr) \rCOCHRAN Violet (spkr) \rDE MELLOW Melville (spkr) \rELIJAH RSM (spkr) \rELIZABETH II, Queen of Gt. Britain (spkr) \rFLINT Capt. (spkr) \rGILLIAM Laurence (prod) \rGLEESON - (spkr) \rGOODISON John E. (spkr) \rHARNEY Bill (spkr) \rHILL Matron (spkr) \rHILLARY Edmund, Sir (spkr) \rHOGG Alan (spkr) \rHOWATSON Fr. (spkr) \rHUCHISON Neil (prod) \rHUGHES Mrs. (spkr) \rKIMANI Chief (spkr) \rLUCAS Fred (spkr) \rMCCORMACK Dewar (spkr) \rMAHMOOD Sarwar (spkr) \rNAVARATNAM Leela (spkr) \rPARRY John (spkr) \rPATTERSON Ian (spkr) \rPHILLIPS Dr. (spkr) \rPOON James (spkr) \rRYAN Bill (spkr) \rSALOTE Queen of Tonga (spkr) \rSINGLE Polly (spkr) \rSNEDDEN Neville (spkr) \rSTONTON Archdeacon (spkr) \rTHOMAS W. Vaughan (spkr) \rVINAY M. Raymond (spkr) \rWARD Edward (spkr) \rWILLIAMS Rany (spkr) \rWILMOT Chester (narr) \r
LISC905166\n\n Rewind Asset ID: 60361a00748d8fc68cab04dc

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Alan Burgess Person
Archdeacon Stonton Person
Bill Harney Person
Bill Ryan Person
Chester Wilmot Person
Dr. Phillips Person
Sir Edmund Hillary Person
Edward Ward Person
Fr. Howatson Person
Fred Lucas Person
H.M. Queen Salote of Tonga Person
Harry Adams Person
Ian Patterson Person
John Antill Person
John Baigent Person
John Goodison Person
Leela Navaratnam Person
Lucy Cochrane Person
M. Raymond Vinay Person
Matron Hill Person
Melville De Mellow Person
Mrs. Hughes Person
Neville Snedden Person
Polly Single Person
Rany Williams Person