Joséphine Simonnot



Joséphine Simonnot

Family Name


Given Name


Birth Date



en French

Job Title

en Research Engineer (PRISM Laboratory, CNRS, France) and sound engineer, specialist in music recording, digitization and sound database. She was designer and responsible of the CNRS-Musée de l'Homme sound archives database on line (2009-2020). She has recorded music in eastern Indonesia (Flores, Sumbawa, Sulawesi, Maluku-Tanimbar) in 1992, 1993 and 2010.
fr Ingénieure de recheche au CNRS (Laboratoire PRISM) et ingénieur du son, experte en prise de son, en numérisation et en base de données sonores en ligne. Elle fut conceptrice et responsable de la plateforme des archives sonores du CNRS-Musée de l'Homme (2009-2020). Elle a collecté des enregistrements dans l'Est Indonésien (Flores, Sumbawa, Sulawesi, Moluques-Tanimbar), 1992, 1993, 2010.

Is Referenced By

J. Simonnot, Flores, 2010. L. Rivière (photo)

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Title Alternate label Class
Song : "Tnabar Ilaa" Collector CreativeWork
Song : "Tnabar faneva" Collector CreativeWork
Forest atmosphere of Awear Collector CreativeWork
Village atmosphere in Awear Collector CreativeWork
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Foruk song (1) Collector CreativeWork
Foruk Faktanit song (1) Collector CreativeWork
Foruk song (2) Collector CreativeWork
Foruk song Collector CreativeWork
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Foruk song sung in the tree Collector CreativeWork
Two Foruk song atas kelapa (sung in the tree) Collector CreativeWork
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Foruk song Collector CreativeWork
Foruk song Collector CreativeWork
Foruk song Collector CreativeWork
2-voice Foruk song Collector CreativeWork
Faktanit song Collector CreativeWork
Lilike Collector CreativeWork
Faktanit song Collector CreativeWork