




Makadade, village of Atauro Island, Timor Leste






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Title Alternate label Class
Gongs, drum and voice ensemble with Kahi Kali solo voice (Dik tama) Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Gong, drum and voice ensemble with Kahi Kali solo voice (Dik tama) Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Hrotu dance Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Prayer before dragging down the dugout canoe Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Prayer before Pulling down the dugout canoe Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Mixed chorus Tei Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Mixed chorus Raho then departure of the pirogue and wandering songs Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Mixed chorus (klorun ro)_ Be lolon dulu rei - perilous descent from the ladder Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Mixed chorus (klorun ro)_ Be lolon dulu rei - perilous descent from the ladder Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Mixed chorus (klorun ro)_doli-dolila song Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Mixed chorus (klorun ro)-Sae ili Ro'o Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Mixed chorus (klorun ro)_Sanga rodi mina morin song Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Mixed chorus (klorun ro)- Hira soru seran bal Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Mixed chorus (klorun ro)_ O soru o soro Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Mixed chorus Tei Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Mixed chorus Tei Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Mixed chorus when pulling down the dugout canoe (O uran turu) Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Mixed chorus when pulling down the dugout canoe (u paung ei sou) Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Mixed chorus when pulling down the dugout canoe (ko hoi ma lele) Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Mixed chorus when pulling down the dugout canoe (hele lau me pata + Koli Kala) Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Mixed chorus when pulling down the dugout canoe (O heli luri tasi) Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Mixed chorus when pulling down the dugout canoe (O heli luri tasi) Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Mixed chorus when pulling down the dugout canoe (Huri lima resi) Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Mixed chorus when pulling down the dugout canoe (Kuru Keli lima noi) Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Mixed chorus when pulling down the dugout canoe (Kasi paka sede) Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork