




Makadade, village of Atauro Island, Timor Leste






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Title Alternate label Class
Voice - singing: female, Rei Talu Manu Re Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Male Solo voice, Raknote-raknei Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Voice - singing: female, Hari Kata Hari Kia Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Hleri, melody 1 Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
hleri raur aklamu raur ‘the song cries, the harp cries’ Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Rakais, mixed responsorial chorus Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Hleri Tato Aklara, mixed responsorial chorus Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
hleri raur aklamu raur "the song cries, the harp cries Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
hleri amurin, responsorial chorus Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
untitled song Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Hleri klan opun, mixed chorus Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Hleri Lokmata, mixed chorus Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Hleri Mekmesa mixed chorus Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Hleri Rakais Hrotu mixed chorus Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Ro Hleri, canoe song Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Hleri Rasei Rasama mixed chorus Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Hleri, mixed chorus Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Hleri Hrotu, mixed chorus Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Hleri tenun tua, drinking song Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Hleri rakais, mixed chorus Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Hleri ras ana, lullaby Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Hleri Kala Beba Sele, dance song Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Hleri Ta Matan Renu Tama Rodé, mixed chorus Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Hleri Matteus Bamnoté Jako Bangsa Haali, mixed chorus Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork
Gong, drum and voice ensemble with Kahi Kali (Martinio) solo voice (Dik tama) Place of the cultural origin CreativeWork